Zukünftige Wirtschaftssysteme und der Fall Griechenland

Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015 | 14:45 Uhr


Anthony E. Gortzis


European Business Ethics Network, Griechenland


It is an unfortunate fact that Europe has not succeeded yet on delivering a long-term and sustainable growth, based on a robust VISION, resulting on major unemployment breakdown, while impacting household’s wellbeing the continent. For many member states and their societies, the big question is whether there can be a Europe without austerity policies and without high unemployment, particularly among the young Generations. We, as EU cannot continue letting our industries, relocating outside Europe, while losing every year the best talents (brain-leaks) from our nations.

The burning question in all the member states is whether Europe can continue to be identified with democracy, with the rule of law, with a European social state that transcends the demographic and fiscal crisis; whether Europe can retain its identification with pluralism, tolerance, competitiveness, full employment, innovation, creativity, culture; the values that are at the historical, ideological and political foundation of European integration following the tragic experiences of the two World Wars.

Governments need to restore trust, confidence of consumers, investors they need business ethics more than ever. The Objective of the European Business Ethics Network is to promote the principles of Corporate Ethics, of corporate governance, Social Responsibility in academic community, public and private sector, non-profiteering organizations and civil Society. EBEN aspires to play a significant role by providing support to Academia, Organizations, EU and professionals, in order to re-assess their Values and Vision approaches, with the supply of Business Ethics principles, research tools, and training based on best practices and success stories.

Our mission is to promote ethics and excellence in businesses, to increase awareness about ethical challenges in the global marketplace and to enable a TRANSPARENT dialogue on the role of business in society.

Bringing together Europeans, enhancing the growth of cultural ties between the countries and try to share best practices among our businesses in today’s global environment.
Europe is (slowly but steadily) coming out of this crisis stronger and, we all believe, wiser. We have to uncap our potential in global competition. No other continent has such historic and social characteristic, such as being the birthplace of modern civilization, the mother of all sciences, the birthplace of democracy, and a super-fine place to live and prosper.

As new economies grow, economic and political clout will shift around the world.
Asia, in particular, will (is actually already) emerge as a significant player in the world economy, both as a producer and more importantly, as a market of new consumers. More than 1 billion new middle – class consumers will enter the market place over the next decade, most of them from Asia.
The coming decade will be complex, volatile and uncertain, but it will also provide many new opportunities for small businesses and their customers in the total market-pie.

From the demographic point-of-view: Age, culture and gender will blur the lines of influence over the next decade, changing the face of small business and consumers across global markets.

  • Baby boomers will dominate the graying population of the industrialized world.
  • It’s a she economy. According to Analysis by booze a company, 870 million global women who
    have not previously participated in the mainstream economy will gain employment or start their own business.
  • Cultural Fusion Brings global tastes of local markets. Exposure to different cultures and practices throw the web’s global grid will become the norm as consumers and businesses worldwide view, share and adopt product and practices.
  • Economic opportunities driven by economic opportunity, the shift from rural to urban will continue, with about 60% of the global population living in cities and suburbs.
  • Localism creates a new way of life
  • Sustainability becomes a competitive requirement.
  • Niche Markets flourish in the New Economy
  • Smart Machines get smarter he hardware and software technologies we use on daily basis will get smarter.
  • Data is critical for competitive advantage. Imagine a world where companies with the best data win and work requires analytical capabilities, no matter what the job is.


What does the future hold? What will the world and the economy look like in decades to come?
What will life for our children – and their children?
These are perhaps some of the biggest questions that confront humanity.
Europe is by definition a very strong brand name. We absolutely have to make the most out of it.
Thus manufacturing must indeed be placed at the center stage of Europe’s economic recovery.
We do believe in ourselves.
We do believe in our potential.
We can exceed our own expectations.
We have the tools; we have the structure; and we cannot afford to fail.

(Abstract nur auf Englisch verfügbar)

Anthony E. Gortzis

Born in Athens, he studied Economics and Law in the University of Athens. He completed his postgraduate studies in England, concentrating in Business Administration (MBA), Marketing and Econometrics. He also attended a crash course MBA in Harvard University.

Ηe was hired in the Marketing Department of UNILEVER. He worked in the Marketing Department of UNILEVER in London, as Marketing Specialist on detergents for Europe and North America. He became Marketing Director for Unilever detergents in Greece. In 1986, he became as Marketing Director of ELAIS-UNILEVER FOODS DIVISION, and 1998, he became Public affairs, Media and Research Director for all UNILEVER(LEVER-ALGIDA-ELAIS) companies in Greece.

Other than that, he was President of the Greek Institute of Marketing since 1994, and member of the Board of the Greek Advertisers Association, and since March 1996, he holds the presidency. In 2000, he was elected President of the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA).
In 2003 he was elected as the General Secretary of the Board, of Chambers of Commerce for Piraeus. Since the beginning of year 2003 he is active (consultant) in the area of Media, Marketing and Public Relation, Public Affairs, CSR, Crisis Management, and he is the Chairman of ONE-TEAM SA, and REPUTATION CAPITAL, CSR, marketing and communication companies.

In April 2005 he was elected as Vice-President of the Hellenic Management Association and since May 2005, he is acting as the President of the EBEN.GR (Business Ethics Institute). In July 2007 he was elected as a member of the board of the ACTION-AID. In February 2008 he was elected as a president of the board for SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CITIZENS.
He was appointed EBEN President in December 2012.

(CV nur auf Englisch verfügbar)

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