Amazing Days are coming

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016


Lina Giniunaite

Amazing days are coming

The conference “At the limit” of 2016 is approaching really fast. Therefore, I would like to express my expectations about the upcoming amazing days.

I graduated from Lund University with a Master’s of finance degree and after my graduation I started working in the SEB bank in Lithuania. Currently a lot of discussions are going on between my colleagues, we ask the questions what is going to happen for the banks in the coming years, maybe the new financial crisis which could be caused by unstable banks situation due to low interest rates.

This topic is just related to the new financial crisis but what puts banks more under pressure is the Fintech start-ups with the more efficiently created mobile-focused service and products. The big question is what will shape the future of the banks.  I am hoping to discuss these topics with attendance of the conference and hear their opinions about it.

I have glanced the topics which are going to be presented during the conference. I found two topics relevant for my current job and which I could present to my colleagues after the conference: “Limits – Cradle to Cradle as an opportunity for innovations” and other “Limits of Working Hours / Work-Life-Balance”.

The first topic will be more focused on manufacturing companies but I hope that I will get some good thoughts how the “cradle-to-cradle” design concept maybe could be applied in banking sectors while developing new products. The second topic is also relevant for financial sector in which employees usually face stress and long working hours. I am looking forward to hear other participants as well.

I hope the conference will give me a lot of ideas which I could share with the organization in which I am working and will broaden my knowledge in different topics which are not closely related with my studies and my current job.

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