ENGELBERG DIALOGUES: Convincing speakers and active participants
Thanks to impressions and presentations, the ENGLBERG DIALOGUES 2018 can be viewed again and reviewed in terms of content.
Everything about the ENGELBERG DIALOGUES
Here you find all information on the upcoming ENGELBERG DIALOGUES.
Ready, Set, Dialogue!
Come to Engelberg and join the discussion about the callenges and chances of inner-European migration along with decision-makers from science, politics and economy.
Speakers of ENGELBERG DIALOGUES 2018 are announced
Whether CEOs of local companies, economics professors or science ministries. Find out who is coming to Engelberg in October.
Wanted: Young researchers
Interested in discussions on various social, economic and scientific aspects of intra-European migration? Then apply now for the Autumn Academy for Young Researchers.
Newsletter 2017 online
What happened in 2017? How the foundation will continue in 2018? Just read the Newsletter 2017 …
New Name – New Program
The “ENGELBERG DIALOGUES 2018” deals with the topic of “unlimited migration?”. The actual conference lasts four days.
Over 200 visitors at the public evening
Is the Engelberg Valley prepared for climate change? This question attracted many visitors to come to the Hotel Terrace in Engelberg, who listened intently to the experts, but also actively entered the discussion.
Former Academia participant Jacques Dubochet wins Nobel Prize
He was a frequent participant at the dialogue of science in Engelberg. Now, Jacques Dubochet is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Dominik Galliker looks back on his time as managing director
Dominik Galliker renounces the management of the Academia Engelberg Foundation. In the interview with the Obwaldner Zeitung the studied physicist looks back on the last 17 years.
Dr. Thomas Eichenberger New General Secretary
The passing of the baton of Academia Engelberg Foundation’s operational leadership was completed at its June meeting. After more than 17 years, Dr. Dominik Galliker handed over management of the Foundation to Dr. Thomas Eichenberger.
New Executive Committee for Academia Engelberg
Professor Dr. Verena Briner was elected as the new President of Academia Engelberg’s Board of Trustees.
Can we grow woolly mammoths in the labs?
George Church – speaker at the Dialogue on Science in 2011 – is named one of the best molecular biologists in the world. He now hopes to grow woolly mammoths in the lab.
Artificial Intelligence – who keeps tabs on their ethics?
Artificial intelligence can win poker and may kills about 80 percent of the jobs in india. Do we have to be afraid of?
Challenging Democracy
Six years lying in between Wolfgang Merkel’s speech at the Engelberg Congress in 2010 and his current assessment of European democracies.
The Newsletter 2016 is out!
A look back – a look forward. You will find everything you need to know about the 15th Dialogue on Science as well as an look on the future of the Academia Engelberg Foundation in the newsletter.
Climate Change is a Challange!
Personalities have already discussed this topic at the 3rd Dialogue of Science 2004 and in an event in 2008 with climatologist Thomas Stocker.
It starts soon…
The beginning of the 15th Academia Engelberg approaches. The topic “at the limit” does not fit the beautiful countryside. The Engelberg mountain valley present itselfs once more limitless beautiful. Click here for the impressions …
Participate Academia Engelberg in 2016
Whether for just one day or all three days – enrich your area of expertise, expand your network, and register for the 15th Dialogue on Science in the unique alpine world of the Engelberg mountain valley.
«An amazing experience»
This year‘s Summer School is already history. In the video, the young scientists tell us what they gained during this week.
Students pursuing the boundaries of science
Around 30 young scientists expressed interest in attending this year’s Summer School of Academia Engelberg. Starting next Sunday, 16 of them will dive into the world of scientific boundaries.
Join the Summer School
In 2016, young scientists will again have the opportunity to prepare for the Congress at a Summer School from June 26 to July 2 and to contribute their point of view to the discussions.
Obituary Jakob Nüesch
It is with deep sadness that we have learned of the passing of Jakob Nüesch, long-time member of the Board of Trustees and the Patronage Committee. Jakob Nüesch greatly contributed to making Academia Engelberg what it is today. He will remain in our grateful memory.
New members of the Foundation Committee
The Academia Engelberg Foundation is pleased to welcome Vera Eichenauer, Servan Grüninger and Verena Briner as new members of the Foundation Committee.
New Book on Population Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa
The volume “Africa’s Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend”, edited by Dr. Hans Groth and Dr. John F. May, will be published in summer 2016 by Springer Publishing.
The new newsletter is here!
“Future Economic Systems” – was the theme of the 14th Dialogue on Science of the Academia Engelberg Foundation. The exciting presentations from the conference can be found in the Newsletter.
Thank you to Partners
What are the conclusions physicians can draw for today’s treatments from Egypt’s mummies? Longtime partners of the Foundation got an exclusive insight into the exciting research of Prof. Frank Rühli, University of Zurich.
Swiss Study Foundation
The Swiss Study Foundation enables interested students to participate in the 14th Dialogue on Science.
Network Central Switzerland – Africa’s Future
On the occasion of Network Central Switzerland’s May 22, 2015 event, Dr. Hans Groth discussed Africa’s future from a demographic perspective. The video of his presentation is now available online.
Sponsors of Students hold Debate at NZZ Campus
Students sponsored by the Swiss Study Foundation hold debates in the new video series of NZZ Campus, published once a week. The May 5, 2015 edition focuses on ‘homo oeconomicus’
Summer School Academia Engelberg
Students from different countries prepare for this year’s conference theme, ‘Future Economic Systems’, from July 12 to 18, 2015.
Swiss Youth in Research – Foundation Awards Special Prizes
At the Swiss Youth in Research Foundation’s annual science competition, attractive trips to interna-tional conferences – including Academia Engelberg Foundation’s Science Conference – can be won.
Donators and Partners
The ETH Board is responsible for the strategic leadership of the ETH domain and assumes the supervision of its institutions. Its close relationship with the ETH Council has contributed to the successful continuation of Academia Engelberg Foundation since 2000.
The Foundation promotes research into the connecting human fundamentals of science. Academia Engelberg Foundation and the Foundation for Basic Research in Human Sciences have entered into a cooperation agreement for the period 2011 to 2015.
Helvetia is a quality-oriented comprehensive insurance company with over 150 years of experience. Academia Engelberg Foundation is convinced it will be able to use important synergies from the partnership starting in 2015.
A partnership with the University of Lucerne has existed since summer 2013. Since 2016 we have also a parthership with the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Lucerne. Through these partnerships, synergies are used and joint projects are tested and realized. The University of Lucerne currently consists of three faculties: the faculties for Theology, Culture and Social Sciences, and Law.