Reflection on workshops
Wednesday, 11. October 2006 | 9:00 Uhr
Wednesday, 11. October 2006 | 9:00 Uhr
Ernst von Weizsäcker emphasized that global markets must obey global rules. Voluntary initiatives are not enough; national and international regulations are also needed. A CO2 tax (proposed by Federal Councillor Leuenberger, Switzerland) would work in favour of developing countries. Science has an important contribution to make. It has to identify and address major problems and help to resolve them. Several speakers regarded information, education, science and NGOs as important factors. Basic evils must be addressed. The media can make a major contribution to the success of initiatives. An example of this was cited by Paola Ghillani with the bananas project of Max Havelaar. But Ernst von Weizsäcker regretted the trend towards infotainment. Kurt Spillmann observed that climate change has still not registered as an urgent problem. Even a global warming of 1°C has dramatic consequences. He argued the case for cooperative approaches. Dieter Imboden considered the differentiation between converts and non-converts too simplistic. There is still a long way to go for everyone, he observed, even at a conference like this; there has to be greater weight attached to young people and to their interaction with the establishment.
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