The Case for Urgent Action on Climate Change
Thursday, 30. September 2004 | 10:15 Uhr
Thursday, 30. September 2004 | 10:15 Uhr
Jennifer Morgan will present the latest information on climate change science in relation to the objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) “preventing dangerous climate change”, coupled with future scenarios for emissions path-ways and a global framework for the post 2012 time period.
Jennifer Morgan joined the World Wildlife Fund in July 1998. She leads WWF’s climate change program, present in over 30 countries around the world. In that role, she heads the WWF delegation to the Kyoto Protocol climate negotiations, formulates and advocates climate change policies on the international and national level and directs WWF’s business and communications efforts.
Before joining WWF Ms. Morgan worked at the US Climate Action Network which is a network of over 200 environmental groups worldwide with eight regional offices working on global climate change. She took a leave of absence from CAN in 1996 to accept a fellowship with the Robert Bosch Foundation in Germany. During her year in Germany she worked for the European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future and for the Federal Ministry of Environment, during which time she worked for the head of the German delegation to the UN climate change negotiations.
Before her time at CAN, Ms. Morgan worked for the International Council for Local Environmental Issues in Freiburg, Germany on the Cities for Climate Protection campaign. Prior to that she worked on international trade issues at the Natural Resources Defense Council and World Bank policy at the National Audubon Society. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Indiana University in Political Science and Germanic Studies and a Masters of Art from the School of International Service, The American University in International Affairs.
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