Die Stadt als Proto-Typologie 

Freitag, 14. September 2012 | 10:30 Uhr


Dirk Hebel


ETH Zürich 


Per Definition sei eine Proto-Typologie im Gegensatz zum Prototyp ein Zustand der permanenten Veränderung und Adaption, erklärte Professor Dirk Hebel von der ETH Zürich. In diesem Zusammenhang seien Städte offene und flexible Systeme, die auf Veränderungen in der Umgebung, aber auch weltweit reagieren könnten.
Die Bau-Entwicklung in Afrika sei enorm. Es entstünden jedoch keine traditionellen Häuser, sondern die neuen Quartiere würden von Glas-Beton-Stahl-Hochhäuser dominiert. Dadurch verloren die Städte ihre typische Landesidentität. Der Stahlkonsum der Schwellenländer sei in den letzten Jahren um über 70 % gewachsen. Wenn diese Entwicklung anhalte, würde Afrika zum grössten CO2 Verursacher der Welt. Komme hinzu, dass Afrika kein Stahl verarbeitet, sondern von anderen Ländern (wie China) importiere. Aufgrund dieser Entwicklungen wurden die Architekten und Planer aufgefordert, vermehrt auf nachhaltige und landestypische Materialien zu setzen. Auf der Suche nach einem Ersatzmaterial für Stahl werden nun die Eigenschaften von Bambus untersucht. Er wächst schnell nach, ist sehr leicht und verfügt über eine doppelt so hohe Zugspannung wie Stahl. Derzeit werden in den Labors entsprechende Tests durchgeführt um die Vorteile auch wissenschaftlich belegen zu können.

Dirk Hebel

Born 1971, Germany
Master of Architecture, ETH Zurich, 1998
Master of Architecture, Princeton University, 2000
Assistant Professor of Architecture and Construction ETH Zurich/FCL Singapore 2012-present / Scientific Director of the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development EiABC 2009-2012 / Guest Lecturer Princeton University, USA, 2008 / Guest Professor Syracuse University, USA, 2008 / Visiting Professor, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2005 and 2006.

Dirk Hebel is currently holding the position of Assistant Professor at the Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, a research project of ETH Zurich with the National Research Foundation Singapore. Prior to that, he was the founding Scientific Director of the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Between 2002 and 2009 he taught at the Department of Architecture, ETHZ as the coordinator for first year architectural design program and the director of the’ Master of Advanced Studies’ program in Urban Design with Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil. The resulting work of his teaching and research has been published in numerous academic jounals and book publications, lately CITIES OF CHANGE: ADDIS ABABA with Marc Angélil and BATHROOM UNPLUGGED with Jörg Stollmann. Several of his Design-Research-Studios with international students from bachelor to master level won international recognition. In this line, together with Marc Angélil, he published in 2008 the book DEVIATIONS, an experiment in architectural design pedagogy to initiate a plea for a new type of architectural practice.
Dirk Hebel practices architecture in Switzerland and Germany with his firm DRKH Architecture. Newer projects include the architectural design for DISCOVERIES, an exhibition for the Foundation Lindau Nobel Prize Winners and URBAN LABORATORY ETHiopia, an exhibition building in Addis Ababa. After working for Diller + Scofidio in New York and being the project manager for the BLUR Building for EXPO.02 in Switzerland, Dirk Hebel was one of the partners of INSTANT Architects (2002 and 2008). Projects include the award-winning project UNITED_BOTTLE, the traveling exhibition INVENTIONEERING_ ARCHITECTURE, and the pneumatic installation ON_AIR in Berlin. He received the Van Alen Institute Fellowship Award, the Red Dot Design Award for Best Conceptual Design, and the LANXESS Award Singapore.

Born 1971, Germany
Master of Architecture, ETH Zurich, 1998
Master of Architecture, Princeton University, 2000
Assistant Professor of Architecture and Construction ETH Zurich/FCL Singapore 2012-present / Scientific Director of the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development EiABC 2009-2012 / Guest Lecturer Princeton University, USA, 2008 / Guest Professor Syracuse University, USA, 2008 / Visiting Professor, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2005 and 2006.

Dirk Hebel is currently holding the position of Assistant Professor at the Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, a research project of ETH Zurich with the National Research Foundation Singapore. Prior to that, he was the founding Scientific Director of the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Between 2002 and 2009 he taught at the Department of Architecture, ETHZ as the coordinator for first year architectural design program and the director of the’ Master of Advanced Studies’ program in Urban Design with Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil. The resulting work of his teaching and research has been published in numerous academic jounals and book publications, lately CITIES OF CHANGE: ADDIS ABABA with Marc Angélil and BATHROOM UNPLUGGED with Jörg Stollmann. Several of his Design-Research-Studios with international students from bachelor to master level won international recognition. In this line, together with Marc Angélil, he published in 2008 the book DEVIATIONS, an experiment in architectural design pedagogy to initiate a plea for a new type of architectural practice.
Dirk Hebel practices architecture in Switzerland and Germany with his firm DRKH Architecture. Newer projects include the architectural design for DISCOVERIES, an exhibition for the Foundation Lindau Nobel Prize Winners and URBAN LABORATORY ETHiopia, an exhibition building in Addis Ababa. After working for Diller + Scofidio in New York and being the project manager for the BLUR Building for EXPO.02 in Switzerland, Dirk Hebel was one of the partners of INSTANT Architects (2002 and 2008). Projects include the award-winning project UNITED_BOTTLE, the traveling exhibition INVENTIONEERING_ ARCHITECTURE, and the pneumatic installation ON_AIR in Berlin. He received the Van Alen Institute Fellowship Award, the Red Dot Design Award for Best Conceptual Design, and the LANXESS Award Singapore.

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Die Helvetia ist eine qualitätsorientierte Allbranchenversicherung mit über 150 Jahren Erfahrung. Die Stiftung Academia Engelberg ist überzeugt, durch die Partnerschaft ab 2015 wichtige Synergien nutzen zu können.

Das Benediktinerkloster Engelberg prägt die Geschichte des wunderschönen Bergtales seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1120.

Die heutigen Tätigkeiten der Mönche erwuchsen weitgehend den Bedürfnissen des Ortes. Bildungsarbeit an der Stiftsschule, Seelsorge in der Pfarrei, Handwerks- und Dienstleistungsbetriebe, Kultur- und Landschaftspflege sind Bereiche, in denen sich die Mönche sowie Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Klosters engagieren.