Zeiten von Gewalt, Zeit sorgsam zu sein

Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009 | 8:30 Uhr


Andreas Hamburger


Universität Kassel


Professor Andreas Hamburger, Universität Kassel meinte in seinem Referat, dass das Gegenüber durch Wahrnehmungsstörungen auch als Bedrohung betrachtet und so zum Opfer werde.

Andreas Hamburger

Andreas Hamburger, Ph.D., Dipl.Psych., psychoanalyst (DPG), is Adjunct Professor (Privatdoz-ent) at the Institute for Psychoanalysis of the University of Kassel and research fellow, Sigmund Freud Institute of Frankfurt, Germany. In 2009 he is called to be a professor of clinical psychology at the newly founded International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin/Germany.

He is practicing psychoanalyst and training analyst in Munich/Germany, lecturer at the Academy of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Munich, Germany and Co-Chair of the Munich section of the German Psychoanalytical society (DPG).

Born in Munich/Germany in 1954, he was trained in German Literature / Sociology / History and took his high-school teachers’ diploma in 1978. His study of Psychology he finished in 1982 with the Diploma, subsequently joining Prof. Wolfgang Mertens at Munich University, Department of Psychology, as his assistant. He wrote his PhD thesis in Psychology on the “Metapsychology of Children’s Dreams” in 1987 and continued to work at the university as senior researcher. Having finished his psychoanalytic training in 1992, he settled as a psychoanalyst. From 1993 to 1997 he was member of the interdisciplinary research group on Memory and Dream Research in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis, chaired by Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber and Martha Koukkou-Lehmann. Since 1995 he is Adjunct Professor (Privatdozent) at Kassel University, 2007-2009 Acting Professor for the Chair of Ralf Zwiebel, Kassel University.

His research interest and main publications concern dreams, esp. children’s dreams and cou-ple’s dream exchange; language development; psychoanalytic interpretations of literature. Recently he began to study the consequences of genocide trauma in infants.

Some of his last publications deal with the topic of time. In 2007, he published on Time and the Dream, underlining the temporal interaction in dream interaction. In 2009, he published on a general temporal metapsychology necessary for future psychoanalysis.

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