Thoughts of a first time blogger

Thursday, 8. September 2011


Matthias Fügi

The 10th Dialogue on Science will be my personal first. My first Academia Engelberg conference I’ll attend.

My first conference as a blogger. Actually, the first time I’ll be blogging at all. Interesting fact, if one comes to think of it. I mean, I use instant messenger, youtube, google, I recently got an invitation to join google+ and I have heard of myspace, twitter and co. I even have a facebook profile – but then, who doesn’t? I got a smart phone, have access to the internet everywhere at anytime and the hard copy version of my agenda I carry around is a relict of times long gone.

It is funny in a way, thus, that I never went blogging before. Is it because I don’t have anything to say? Do I want to keep my thoughts to myself, rather that share them with God knows whom? No. I just haven’t had the right opportunity so far. Really? It rather seems to me, that I’m getting older – and non the wiser, by the way – since I simply don’t know how to blog. My interest in and understanding of social media seems to lack behind ever since twitter came into fashion. Digital overkill? Maybe. RSS feeds, podcast, hashtags, you name them. Who can follow this?

So why will I be blogging for the Academia Engelberg during the 10th Dialogue of Science? Because “personalized medicine” – maybe I should put a hashtag in front of that – is an important matter, that affects each and everyone.

Because I am looking forward to participate in a conference, that aims to build a bridge between science and society. Science needs to get out of its ivory tower. And then of course, I am inquisitive – as any other human being is as well. Therefore, by blogging during the conference, I also hope to get a first hand insight to communications, social media, blogging, twitter et cetera.

Apart from looking forward to the talks from top class representatives from science and leaders from politics, economics, culture and society, I want to improve my writing skills and learn about communication via social media. So that, in the end, I can contribute to open the discussion on “personalized medicine” and as a by-product of our work I will master the correct use of a hashtag.

Donators and Partners

The ETH Board is responsible for the strategic leadership of the ETH domain and assumes the supervision of its institutions. Its close relationship with the ETH Council has contributed to the successful continuation of Academia Engelberg Foundation since 2000.

The Foundation promotes research into the connecting human fundamentals of science. Academia Engelberg Foundation and the Foundation for Basic Research in Human Sciences have entered into a cooperation agreement for the period 2011 to 2015.

Helvetia is a quality-oriented comprehensive insurance company with over 150 years of experience. Academia Engelberg Foundation is convinced it will be able to use important synergies from the partnership starting in 2015.

A partnership with the University of Lucerne has existed since summer 2013. Since 2016 we have also a parthership with the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Lucerne. Through these partnerships, synergies are used and joint projects are tested and realized. The University of Lucerne currently consists of three faculties: the faculties for Theology, Culture and Social Sciences, and Law.