Fossil fuels incl. coal
Monday, 9. October 2006 | 14:30 Uhr
Monday, 9. October 2006 | 14:30 Uhr
Günther Strempel observed that oil will remain the number one energy source for 20 to 30 years. Eighty percent of the oil comes from regions where production is state-controlled. In Europe, questions of dependence on imports and security of access top the agenda. He believes the peak of oil production has yet to be reached and cannot be expected in the foreseeable future. By 2030, China and India will have doubled their demand. In the absence of any alternatives, fossil fuels will remain predominant. The European Union (EU) will increase its oil imports from 70 to 90 percent by 2030. The USA will increase its imports from 56 to 68 percent by 2025. It is important to reduce CO2 emissions. In 2050 the kevel of emission should not be any higher than it is today, and the average global temperature should not rise by more than 2°C. BP is lending its support to alternative fuels in the form of solar energy, wind, biomass (ethanol; rape methyl ester from rapeseed oil as an alternative to diesel), alcohols from fermentation, hydrogenation of vegetable oils and fats. BP has opened its first hydrogen filling station for buses at Munich airport, another one is planned in Berlin. National projects are under way in 140 countries. For 2007, the opening of an Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) is planned in Germany.
Stationen bei BP
Vice President Global Fuels Technology Bochum und Direktor Aral Forschung, seit 10/02
Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates BP Schweiz 05/01-06/02
Verschiedene Tätigkeiten in den Bereichen Fuels & Lubes, Technology, Umweltschutz, Supply & Logistik, BP Hamburg, seit 1990
„Maschinenwesen“ Universität Kaiserslautern
Promotion Dr.-Ing. 1990
Studium Dipl.-Ing. Maschinenwesen 1978 – 1984
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